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Local pharmacy
Sams Club
Express Scripts
Sam’s Club
Express Scripts
local pharmacy
Local independent pharmacy
I use the hospital pharmacy where my doctor is located.
Having “Local Pharmacy” or “Other “Big Box” Pharmacy” seem to be logical/popular options here; I do a local pharmacy.
I have used a small privately owned pharmacy for many many years.
We use the military base pharmacy.
I use either Walmart or CVS Caremark (mail order) which I don’t believe is the same as CVS Health.
I use Walmart pharmacy
Express scripts for insulin and all recurring medications, including Dexcom.
None of the above.
I live in the UK (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) and am not familiar with ANY of the pharmacies mentioned.
I have visited CVS a couple times, but I get my T1D supplies through the Kiser pharmacy or the Veterans Administration
Optum, which is a United Health Care pharmacy
Pharmacie Jean Coutu in Montreal.
Walgreens, Costco and Fred Meyer. Get Dexcom supplies and insulin at Walgreens through Medicare.
We are required by insurance to use Express Scripts. We are “allowed” to use Walgreens’s, once each year, to obtain one vial of Lantus in case of pump failure.
I’m in Canada; none of the listed pharmacies are available here. I use Shoppers Drug Mart for my insulin and other medications,; Diabetes Express for my pump supplies; and I deal with Dexcom directly for my CGM.
Express Scripts. Which I now see Cigna. Oops.
Meijer Pharmacy
Express Scripts Mail Order
My local hospital has a pharmacy where I receive my insulin and pump supplies – efficient and convenient.
A locally owned one called Bintz
CVS Caremark mail order. They are
faster and more reliable and less hassle than Express scrips.
Just as a note, I got a three-month supply of Novalog at my local CVS through CVS-Caremark for $75 w/ coupon (so far twice) after getting quotes for $500+ for the same insulin.
I answered CVS Walgreens and other. Most of my prescriptions come from Optum RX
WWalgreen’s and for the past 4 months HyVee Pharmacy (a multi-state grocery )
In addition to Express Scripts, we also use Albertson’s/Sav-on pharmacy.
We are fortunate to use the Carpenters Wellness Center pharmacy. It is part of our insurance.
I always used CVS for RX, vendors for pump/CGM supplies. During Covid, CVS couldn’t seem to fill a prescription in a timely fashion. I got mad and switched to OptumRX. Their refill website did not work at all for me and I always had to call them. I got mad again and switched back to CVS. They are doing great now, and I get everything there.
Express scripts
My insurance makes me use walgreens (no mail delivery) for insulin and cgm supplies and then I get my tandem pump supplies from Edgepark (DME).
Kaiser Mail Order.
Mostly use Express Scripts mail pharmacy for my diabetic supplies and medications except insulin. It is cheaper with the local pharmacy as also use the manufacture coupon that way.
I have used Express Scripts, Express Rx, CVS, Giant Eagle, maybe others.
Local grocery pharmacy and express scripts.
CVS Caremark
or Walgreens
Walgreen’s for Dexcom and Tandem, HyVee for everything else.
I get my insulin from Walmart under Medicare part D. Lispro generic for humalog is what they provide at no cost.
Walgreens 5 minutes away was the happy place and then they fell apart about 6 months ago, the familiar pharmacists were gone and then they shortened up daily hours and closed weekends. Can’t get help I guess. I use Humana mail order pharmacy called Centerwell Rx for ophthalmics.
None. I’m a Kaiser girl since 1972. They’ve kept this 73 year old , 60 years with T1d alive all this time!
Sams Club
Express Scripts
safeeway pharmacy and a privately-owned local pharm.
Walmart for somewhat affordable test strips.
Express Scripts mail order
Insulin from Rite aid. DME from edgepark.
I am part of the University of Washington (in the state of Washington) medical group. I use their pharmacy since it is 1. convenient, 2. less expensive. My doctor told me that since they are a teaching hospital they get a good deal on medicines and pass it on to their patients. I suppose anyone could use their pharmacy.
Safeway, Advanced Diabetes Supply, & ADW Diabetes.
HEB and Walmart.
My pharmacy struggle has been trying to find one that would bill insulin under Medicare Part B, instead of Part D. I have not succeeded.
I have been using Walgreens for Part B billing for Humalog since going on Medicare 6 years ago. At that time they were the only pharmacy that I could find with that ability. Every once in a while there is a slight hiccup, but overall they seem to know how to get it done.
I use CVS but only because it is nearby and has easy parking. Besides, there aren’t many alternatives in our area, despite its being densely populated. The giants have gobbled up or pushed out most competition. It is disgusting how concentrated the pharmacy business has become. CVS has the worst IT department I have ever encountered — harassing and useless — but apparently believes it can get away with such poor service. Pharmacists rarely answer their phone, yet mistakes in prescriptions are rampant. Worse yet, I recently learned that even getting insulin pen needles was becoming difficult, with significant delays. I asked whether Walgreens was any better and was told that CVS and Walgreens get pen needles from the same distributor, so they are suffering the same delays! We seems to be becoming a third-world country with respect to reliability of supply (including energy supply –we routinely now have unexplained power outages). I believe a lot of this is due to the anti-competitive consolidation that our government has allowed to take place in a variety of sectors of the economy. Any economy of scale benefit is eventually outweighed by the consequences of lack of competition.
Re: needles. Check your state regulations, as of 2 years ago my state no longer requires a Rx for needles! I buy them for way less than ever through ADW, but there are others.
Thomas Cline — worst IT department, harassing and useless, get away with such poor service, rarely answer their phone, mistakes in prescriptions are rampant, significant delays, suffering, becoming a third world country, — What’s the solution?
I know. Give the CEO a $3,000,000 raise. Oh wait. They just did that for her.
Local pharmacy
CVS Mail order & Safeway Pharmacy
Humana mail order
CCS med
Local Safeway
CostCo for insulin since it has become so expensive and they return a small percentage of the price. Walmart for everything else. They are convenient and efficient.
Sav On (Albertsons) pharmacy
I forgot Safeway too
Humana mail order, CCS, and Byrum Healthcare.
Base Pharmacy, Mail Delivery
cigna express scripts mail order
I use express scripts for long term supplies and aptivaRX for sensors as well and Brand Direct Pharmacy for Metanx.
I get most of my orders through Express Scripts mail order pharmacy. You get a 3 month supply instead of a 1 month supply for the same cost.
Express Scripts and Kinney Drug
Express Scripts
I have Kaiser, so Kaiser.
I use my grocery store pharmacy at HEB
I’m boring, Wal-Mart
Other. I use Kaiser mail order pharmacy.
Walgreens for insulin, OptumRx mail order, Walmart. I got my flu shot at CVS.
I use my health insurance mail order pharmacy for most meds
I use Publix Pharmacy which is my local supermarket and I also use Mark Cubans’ mail order Cost plus Drugs.
Utilize pharmacy where I see my health care providers
I wasn’t sure if this question was just in terms of prescriptions or for other OTC items.
Express Scripts
Same for me.
Optum Rx, and a private pharmacy in my home town.
OptumRx, which I think is technically owned by CVS now
I thought Express Script’s bought them out.
Express Scripts
I used CVS and also Walmart, express script and CCS for pump suplies
I use Walgreens because I can get a 90 day supply in person instead of using mail order. It’s an ordeal every time I go. Loooong lines, long waits. Last month it took 3 days to get my refills because they were too busy doing flu & covid shots. Even during non-vaccination season it’s a miserable experience and I’m thinking of switching to mail order.
CVS through which my insurance gives me 90 days supply for a flat rate, cheaper than 30 days.
DME is Edwards Health Care. (I finally got rid of Edgepark, they were a nightmare with over billing, wrong codes, you name it.)
I dumped Edgepark, too. They were charging me when they shouldn’t have been. When I called to find a different DME company, they asked me why, so I told them. They reuse to send my supplies in a timely manner, (I’m lucky to get a shipment twice a year) and they are charing more than my co-pay. Costumer Service was like, great, you’re about the 30th person to call today about the same thing.
Local grocery store
CVS. (Charges Very Steep)
Rexall in Canada.
My prescriptions are all filled at Schroder Drug Store. Currently my insulin is being supplied through the Nova Nordisk Patient Help Program, since my medicare advantage plan refuses to cover Novolog and will only pay for insulin I’m allergic to.
I should also state that I get a 90 day supply from my pharmacy for the same as mail order price.
Costco Pharmacy
Express Scripts
Kinney Drugs, Express Scripts, CCS Medical and Tandem supplies directly from Tandem.
Weis Pharmacy
Mercy Life. A PACE program.
Walgreens. It’s the single in-network retail pharmacy for our insurance. There is a separate contract with a mail order pharmacy, but they use the same login info as my main grocery store Rewards Card (all owned by Kroger), so I stick with Walgreens.
CCS Medical
Diabetes supplies of the midlands
I work at a locally owned pharmacy Osman Pharmacy. This is where I get all prescriptions filled
Harris Teeter for insulin and other supplies. Starting off with CVS Caremark for Omnipod now.
Acaria Health for specialty med not related to T1D.
Pharmacy choice depends on insurance coverage.
I use stop and shop pharmacy
Hannaford Pharmacy
I mostly use Express Scripts for my pump and diabetic supplies. I use the local pharmacy for my insulin with the company discount coupon each ear and is usually $25 for 30 days supply that way.
I must order insulin from CVS Caremark mail-order. My pump supplies come from a DME provider.
Local pharmacy mostly, but do use CVS at Albertson’s too.
I’ve also used Costco Pharmacy
Weis Pharmacy, a part of Weis Markets in Pennsylvania.
Costco, CVS and Walgreens